We invite you to become a member of the Center for Engagement in Disability Health and Rehabilitation Sciences (CEDHARS). CEDHARS’ overarching vision is to be a national leader in inclusion science and evidence-based breakthroughs that improve the health and well-being of the more than 60 million people in the U.S. living with a disability. Its mission is to partner with people with disabilities to advance scientific discovery, translational research, education, and engagement in the fields of disability health and rehabilitation sciences.
To help further this mission, we are currently seeking to expand center membership with investigators from various departments and schools across UAB’s campus with an interest in the study of disability health, rehabilitation sciences, and other issues impacting people with disabilities.
Membership includes secondary faculty appointments within the Center.
- Senior Scientists are classified as those who are funded with multiple R01s or similar grants and have held an academic faculty position for more than 10 years.
- Scientists are classified as those who are funded with an R01 or similar grant and have held an academic faculty position for more than five years.
- Associate Scientists are researchers within five years of an academic faculty position or are pursuing a research career development award. Trainees at the graduate or postdoctoral level will also be classified as Associate Scientists.
To maintain CEDHARS membership, individuals are required to:
- attend at least one CEDHARS-sponsored meeting per year and
- collaborate in research efforts with at least one other CEDHARS member per year or
- submit at least one publication, poster, or presentation per year related to disability or disability-related outcomes to a national meeting or journal.
If you are interested in joining CEDHARS, please fill out the application below. To stay up to date on everything going on at CEDHARS, please subscribe to our newsletter.
Application Form
Please complete the application below to submit your request for center membership.