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Screenshot of Core Curriculum website

Over the summer, the Signature Core Curriculum became the Blazer Core Curriculum, and a new website that reflects the vision and values of the Blazer Core was developed. This redesign reflects two important points about our core curriculum. First, by calling this signature effort the Blazer Core Curriculum, we acknowledge that this curriculum belongs to all Blazers and touches every single Department, School, and Unit at UAB.

Second, this new name seeks to capture the transformative process of the core curriculum on student lives, the process of becoming a Blazer—a highly capable, forward-thinking, global citizen poised to make an impact on the community and world through knowledge and service.

Finally, the flame in the “o” in Core seeks to signify what core faculty do best, which is to kindle the flame of curiosity, inquiry, and commitment in students. Across our new website you will find these values and the principles that guide our core curriculum, including our commitment to providing faculty and students with opportunities to explore interdisciplinary knowledge and our city as a classroom.

The site organization is designed to help departments and faculty navigate the structure of Blazer Core. At this time, this site is still aimed primarily at faculty and institutional audiences, but will be expanded and refocused for students, parents, and community members as we get closer and closer to the rollout of the Blazer Core in Fall of 2023.

We encourage you to explore this site, as well as to follow Blazer Core on Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter, where we will post not only links to our newsletter and announcements, but also links to stories of student success and faculty innovation.

We want to thank UAB Media Relations, including Karen Templeton for supervising this site design through from start to finish, Hayley Zorn for leading the design team, Scarlett Miller for Photography, and KC Pushpa for an outstanding site design and build.


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