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Continuing Your Journey: The Transfer Process

Whether you have completed part or all of your core curriculum at another college or university or community college, taken dual enrollment courses, or are returning to UAB after several years, the Blazer Core Curriculum is designed to help you make timely progress towards your degree.

Admitted or enrolled students who have questions about transfer credit equivalencies can contact their academic advisor or a transfer articulation specialist at transfercredit@uab.edu. Prospective students should contact their transfer admissions counselor.

A young man sits in a comfortable chair working on his laptop, his legs propped up on a table. Students in background work at library carousels..

Transferring Credit from Alabama Two-Year Colleges

Students Transferring 41 Hours or More of Core Credit

Students who have completed 41 hours at an Alabama Community College or Alabama 4-year College or University that is part of the Alabama General Studies Committee Articulation Agreement have, per the Alabama State Articulation Agreement, completed all core curriculum requirements.

This means that your transfer credits fulfill all requirements of the Blazer Core Curriculum and you are exempt from any additional requirements.

Students Transferring 24-40 Hours of Core Credit

Students who have completed 24-40 hours of credit at an Alabama Community College or Alabama 4-year College or University that is part of the Alabama General Studies Committee Articulation Agreement must complete their additional Blazer Core requirements, but are exempt from First Year Experience (3 credit hours).

Students transferring 24-40 hours of credit from an AGSC community college or 4-year College or University and who have successfully completed an Area II (Humanities and Fine Arts) or Area IV (History, Social, and Behavioral Sciences) course sequence are exempt from FYE (3 Credit Hours) and City as Classroom (3 Credit Hours).

Students Transferring Less than 24 Credit hours of Core Credit

Students who have completed less than 24 credit hours at an Alabama Community College or Alabama 4-year College or University that is part of the Alabama General Studies Committee Articulation Agreement must complete all additional Blazer Core requirements, including First Year Experience (3 Credit Hours) and City as Classroom (3 Credit Hours)

Transferring Credit from Alabama Four-Year Colleges and Universities

The same credit hour rules and exemptions listed above for Two-Year colleges apply to Alabama Four-Year Colleges and Universities that are part of the Alabama General Studies Committee’s State Articulation Agreement.

For further information, please see UAB’s Undergraduate Admissions website.

Transferring Credit from Two-Year and Four-Year Colleges Outside of Alabama

The eligibility of your transfer credits will depend on the subject matter of each course and the accreditation of the college that awarded the credit. Please see UAB’s Undergraduate Admissions website for additional information.

Need Help Getting Started?

Your Academic Advisor is here to help!

AP, IB, CLEP and Dual Enrollment

Have AP or IB credit? Taken a Dual Enrollment course in High School? Or, are you interested in taking a CLEP exam for course credit? See UAB’s Undergraduate Admissions website for additional information.


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