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Michael Daniel Head Shot 2.2014

Email:  michael5@uab.edu
Telephone:  (205) 934-4587
Department:  Biology
Primary Co-Mentor: Dr. Trygve O. Tollefsbol
Primary Co-Mentor: Dr. Steve Barnes

The main goal of my research is to determine and evaluate the epigenetic effects of dietary compounds on the inhibition of breast cancer progression and incidence.

My research mentor, Dr. Trygve O. Tollefsbol, is an expert in the field of epigenetics, cancer, and aging and has been at the forefront of developing what is now coined the “epigenetic diet”. In whole, our lab has shown that diets rich in epigenetically modifying compounds (i.e. cruciferous vegetables, green tea, and soy) can decrease cancer incidence, halt progression, and even provide trans-placental protective effects against the development of cancer. Having a mentor that is a leader in his field and being a member of a laboratory that has been at the cutting edge of linking diet and cancer will allow me to have a strong and supporting foundation in developing and completing my research goals.

My commitment to these goals is fueled by a personal passion to fight cancer, having lost a grandmother to the disease. This loss fueled me to pursue a degree in biology and inspired me to later enroll in a graduate program that would allow me to develop my knowledge and obtain a doctoral degree with a focus on cancer prevention. The University of Alabama at Birmingham’s R25 Cancer Prevention and Control Training Program will allow me to further my research in elucidating the epigenetic linkage between diet and cancer control and prevention.