A list of ESL-related acronyms and their definitions.
ALEX (Alabama Learning Exchange)
Create. Collaborate. Educate. The Alabama Learning Exchange's mission is to provide educators with high-quality instructional materials and content knowledge addressing the needs of all learners in the application of academic standards and establishes the foundation for the program. ALEX includes classroom resources, learning activities, lesson plans, and unit plans connected by the Alabama Standards to promote higher-level teaching and learning strategies that are essential for student success in college, careers, and our global society.
AMTESOL's list of resources
The Alabama-Mississippi Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages organization has an extensive library of useful ESL-related resources, including text simplifiers, cultural and family engagement resources, reference sites, toolkits for teachers, and much more.
Foreign Language Teacher Associations
Links to websites of foreign language teacher associations, which contain useful information about the first languages of ELLs and resources which can easily be adapted to the ESL classroom.
Grammar, Vocabulary, Reading, and Writing
Links to websites which provide English grammar, vocabulary, reading and writing explanations and practice. These sites can be used by students studying for the ESL Praxis exam, ESL students, and ESL teachers.
General ESL Resources
Links to ESL-related websites with useful information and resources for ESL teachers, content-area teachers, graduate students, and parents of English Language Learners.
Job Search Clinic
Guidelines and resources for designing and implementing a university-level Job Search Clinic to help international students and scholars prepare for the interview process and achieve success in furthering their careers.
Laws and Court Cases
A timeline and summary of federal statutes, directives, and court decisions concerning national origin students.
Listening, Speaking, and Pronunciation
Links to websites which provide helpful information and resources for listening, speaking, and pronunciation practice.
Organizations, Foundations, and Centers
Links to websites of ESL-related groups, organizations, foundations, and centers.
Professional Development
Ready-to-use ESL professional development resources and links to websites which provide free or for-purchase resources.
Translating and Interpreting
Links to translating/interpreting services and organizations.
WIDA (formerly "World-class Instructional Design and Assessment")
WIDA advances academic language development and academic achievement for linguistically diverse students through high quality standards, assessments, research, and professional development for educators.
World Languages and Cultures
Links to websites which can provide teachers with information about the home languages and cultures of the English language learners in their classrooms.