AAAL | American Association for Applied Linguistics |
ALM | Audiolingual Method |
AMTESOL | Alabama-Mississippi TESOL |
ATTLAS | Augmenting Thinking through Language Acquisition Skills |
AYP | Adequate Yearly Progress |
BICS | Basic Interpersonal Communication Skills |
BINL | Basic Inventory of Natural Language |
BSM | Bilingual Syntax Measure |
C1 | First culture; home culture |
C2 | Second culture; target culture |
CAH | Contrastive Analysis Hypothesis |
CAL | Center for Applied Linguistics |
CALL | Computer-Assisted Language Learning |
CALLA | Cognitive Academic Language Learning Approach |
CALP | Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency |
CBI | Content-Based Instruction |
CC | Communicative Competence |
CLAD | Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development |
CLI | Cross-Linguistic Influence |
CLiDES | Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Exceptional Students |
CLL | Community Language Learning |
CLT | Communicative Language Teaching |
CUP | Common Underlying Proficiency |
DRTA | Directed Reading Thinking Activity |
EAL | English as an Additional Language |
EEOA | Equal Educational Opportunities Act |
EFL | English as a Foreign Language |
EL | English Learner |
ELD | English Language Development |
ELL | English Language Learner |
ELT | English Language Teaching |
ESL | English as a Second Language |
ESOL | English to Speakers of Other Languages |
ESP | English for Special Purposes |
FEP | Fluent English Proficient |
FILL | Facilitated Interdependent Language Learning |
FLEP | Former Limited English Proficient |
FLP | Family Language Plan |
IPOTS | Interactive Peer-to-Peer Oral Techniques |
L1 | First language; native language; home language |
L2 | Second or additional language(s) |
LAD | Language Acquisition Device |
LAS | Language Assessment Scales |
LCD | Linguistically and Culturally Diverse |
LEA | Language Experience Approach |
LEA | Local Educational Agency |
LEP | Limited English Proficient |
LES | Limited English Speaking/Speaker |
LM | Language Minority |
L-TEL | Long-Term English Learner |
MBE | Maintenance Bilingual Education |
MLAT | Modern Language Aptitude Test |
NABE | National Association for Bilingual Education |
NCELA | National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition |
NCLB | No Child Left Behind |
NEP | Non-English Proficient |
NES | Non-English Speaking/Speaker |
NEST | Native English-Speaking Teacher |
NNES | Non-Native English Speaker |
OCR | U.S. Office for Civil Rights (U.S. Dept. of Health and Human Services) |
OELA | Office of English Language Acquisition (U.S. Dept. of Education) |
PLAB | Pimsleur Language Aptitude Battery |
SAE | Student Acquiring English |
SBI | Strategies-Based Instruction |
SDAIE | Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English |
SEA | State Educational Agency |
SETESOL | Southeast Regional TESOL |
SFL | Systemic Functional Linguistics |
SIFE | Students with Interrupted Formal Education |
SIOP | Structured Instruction Observation Protocol |
SLA | Second Language Acquisition |
SLIFE | Students with Limited and/or Interrupted Formal Education |
SLL | Second Language Learner |
SOLOM | Structured Oral Language Observation Matrix |
SUP | Separate Underlying Proficiency |
TBE | Transitional Bilingual Education |
TESOL | Teaching English as a Second Language; Teaching English to Speakers of a Second Language |
TESOL Int'l Association |
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages International Association |
TOEFL | Test of English as a Foreign Language |
TPR | Total Physical Response |
TPRS | Teaching Proficiency through Reading and Storytelling |
UG | Universal Grammar |
WIDA | (formerly) World-Class Instructional Design and Assessment |
WTC | Willingness To Communicate |
ZOPD | Zone of Proximal Development |