Alabama-Mississippi Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (AMTESOL)
AMTESOL strives to serve the needs of intensive program teachers, administrators, graduate students, and K-12 teachers in the field of ESL. They hold an annual conference, which is usually in late January.
Center for Advanced Research on Language Acquisition (CARLA)
The mission of CARLA is to study multilingualism and multiculturalism; to develop knowledge about second language acquisition; and to advance the quality of second language teaching, learning, and assessment. Its projects include language in cultural contexts and networks for immersion teachers. CARLA offers conferences and summer institutes for second language teachers.
Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL)
CAL is a private, nonprofit organization, established in 1959, which works to improve communication through better understanding of language and culture. This site provides a comprehensive range of research-based information, tools, and resources related to language and culture.
Center for Language Education and Research (CLEAR)
The primary objective of CLEAR is to promote collaboration in foreign language research and teacher education among colleges and universities. It focuses on learning and teaching, methods and materials, second language assessment, and linking to teachers and schools.
Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE)
The Center for Research on Education, Diversity, and Excellence (CREDE) Hawai‘i Project promotes educators’ use of research-based strategies of effective practice for culturally and linguistically diverse students. These strategies are derived from Vygotsky’s theory and over 30-years of research from the national CREDE project, now at University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa. These standards were recognized by the national What Works Clearinghouse.
ESCORT (formerly Eastern Stream Center on Resources and Training)
ESCORT is a national resource center dedicated to improving educational opportunities for all children. It conducts professional and program development activities with federal, state, and local education agencies and schools to help improve services to English Language Learners, challenged readers, students with disabilities, and other at-risk populations.
Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama (¡HICA!)
¡HICA! is a community development and advocacy organization that champions economic equality, civic engagement, and social justice for Latino and immigrant families in Alabama.
Intercultural Development Research Association (IDRA)
The IDRA is the Region 2 (serving the southeast, including Alabama) Equity Assistance Center (EAC), which is funded by the U.S. Department of Education under Title IV of the 1964 Civil Rights Act. It provides assistance in the areas of race, gender, national origin, and religion to public school districts to promote equal educational opportunities.
National Association of Bilingual Education (NABE)
NABE is a professional organization in the United States composed of teachers, administrators, parents, policy makers, and others who are concerned with securing educational equity for language minority students.
National Clearinghouse for English Language Acquisition (NCELA)
The NCELA collects, coordinates and conveys a broad range of research and resources in support of an inclusive approach to high quality education for ELLs. This site contains links that are of interest to ESL and foreign language teachers, as well as useful links for parents such as early language teaching and bilingual parenting.
Office of English Language Acquisition (OELA)
The U.S. Department of Education's official site for the Office of English Language Acquisition, Language Enhancement, and Academic Achievement for Limited English Proficient Students. Their mission is to provide national leadership to help ensure that English language learners and immigrant students attain English proficiency and achieve academically and assist in building the nation's capacity in critical foreign languages. Their website contains information about services they provide, special programs, initiatives, activities, and resources available to educators, parents and students. (Formerly OBEMLA - the Office for Bilingual Education and Minority Language Affairs.)
An affiliate of the The American Library Association since 1971, Reforma is a "National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish-Speaking."
Teachers of English to Speakers of Other Languages (TESOL)
TESOL International is a professional organization based in the United States that has regional and international affiliates, such as AMTESOL. Their mission is to develop the expertise of its members and others involved in teaching English to speakers of other languages to help them foster effective communication in diverse settings while respecting individuals' language rights.
What Works Clearinghouse - English Learners
The What Works Clearinghouse is an investment of the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) within the U.S. Department of Education that was established in 2002. For more than a decade, the WWC has been a central and trusted source of scientific evidence on education programs, products, practices, and policies. They review the research, determine which studies meet rigorous standards, and summarize the findings. They focus on high-quality research to answer the question “what works in education?”