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To sustain Dr. Maryann Manning’s legacy of commitment and work in the field of literacy, the Maryann Manning Family Literacy Center supports and disseminates research in literacy, provides professional development for teachers and students, centralizes the operation and organization of numerous projects begun by Dr. Manning, and creates innovative literacy projects, both locally and globally.


Children's Creative Learning Center

Midsouth Literacy Journal

Critical Literacies Conference

Red Mountain Writing Project


Dr. Manning's Impact

Dr. Manning’s footprint can be seen in the many projects that the UAB School of Education and Human Sciences is known for today. Among those projects include the Red Mountain Writing Project, the first Young Authors’ Conference, MidSouth Reading/Writing Conference, Children’s Creative Learning Center, National Board Certification classes, Reading Recovery, reading specialist masters degree program and numerous others.

About Dr. Manning

Dr. Maryann Manning

Maryann Murphy Manning
March 31, 1939 - September 9, 2013

Dr. Manning’s achievements were significant, the products of her boundless energy, unfaltering determination, and deep commitment to children. She mentored and inspired teachers throughout Alabama and beyond. UAB, the state of Alabama, and organizations and institutions around the world honored her with awards and accolades. Dr. Mannning authored numerous books, book chapters, monographs, and articles that have guided and inspired educators. She was particularly honored and excited to serve as a future president of the International Reading Association. At the time of her death, she was working at a literacy conference in Indonesia, doing what she loved.

Giving Opportunities

The Maryann Manning Literacy Center is an opportunity to carry forward Dr. Maryann Manning's love of reading and efforts to bring literacy to the world. If you would like to help us in this mission, please make a contribution. Your gift will help change the lives of many by introducing them to reading!