Explore UAB

Abstract image of industrial air ducts in a large warehouse.

"In the past month, I have also taken some of what I have learned and put it to good use with clients and safety standards work. So the classes and the program are having a positive rippling effect throughout industries and sectors that have any interface to safety."

Roberta Nelson Shea
Class of spring 2012

Roberta Nelson Shea

Safety Compliance Services, LLC

I am currently a consultant; however I have had many roles that have revolved around safety - from being a business manager initiating and implementing safety programs to a safety consultant to a safety standards committee member.

I was attracted to the UAB program for a few reasons. First, it is recommended by Fred Manuele - a person whom I respect highly. Second, it is the first that I had seen that offered a Masters in Engineering in Safety Engineering and Management. Third, the program is all online with no "in person" requirements. I needed all three factors to prompt applying.

My horizons have been greatly broadened by my experiences so far. My classroom interactions have been fantastic. I have learned as much (or more) from my class colleagues as I am from the presentations (which are great). In the past month+, I have also taken some of what I have learned and put it to good use with clients and safety standards work. So the classes and the program are having a positive rippling effect throughout industries and sectors that have any interface to safety.