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The Dr. Jack Lemons Endowed Scholarship in Biomedical Engineering honors Jack Lemons and his contributions to graduate education at UAB. Graduate student training and professional development have always been near and dear to Jack’s heart. Over his more than 40-year academic career, almost all of it at UAB, Dr. Lemons has been committed to student training and graduate education. Some highlights of his contributions include:

  • Serving on more than 300 graduate student dissertation, thesis, and research committees as committee chair or committee member.
  • Publishing more than 200 journal articles, almost all with student co-authors.
  • Contributing more than 600 presentations and abstracts at scientific meetings with student coauthors.

Jack Lemons. Students trained by Jack have gone on to become leaders in the medical device industry and biomedical companies, regulatory and standards agencies, clinical practice, academia, and business.

Supporting our Graduate Students

Graduate education and training are essential to the mission of the Department of Biomedical Engineering at UAB. A vibrant pool of highly capable graduate students is necessary to maintain academic excellence and ensure the success of faculty research. We are committed to recruiting and training the most talented graduate students to grow our research programs and to ensure the advancement of biomedical engineering at UAB.

The income from this endowment fund will support the training and professional development of biomedical engineering master’s and doctoral students. Some examples of support may include:

  • supporting a student’s stipend to complete a master’s or doctoral thesis research project,
  • funds to support research costs,
  • travel funds for a graduate student to present original research at a scientific meeting, or
  • funds for a student to participate in or host a professional development workshop, a symposium, or some similar activity.

Contributions to the Dr. Jack Lemons Endowed Scholarship in Biomedical Engineering can be sent to Jay Zhang, Ph.D., Chair of Department of Biomedical Engineering, or Robert Blakely, Director of Development and External Relations in the School of Engineering, or can be made online through the Campaign for UAB.

Give now at UAB's online giving portal.