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The Ph.D. Graduate Program requires:

  • completion of at least 51 semester hours of appropriate graduate work,
  • successful completion of a dissertation, and
  • publication of three original research articles in a peer-reviewed journal in which you are expected to be the first author.


You will complete at least 51 semester hours of graduate work beyond the Master's degree, including dissertation research earned over at least two semesters in candidacy. You will take some required courses — for example, Engineering Analysis, Quantitative Physiology, and BME Seminar. The remaining course will be indivisually tailored to your interests and should be a combination of life sciences, biomedical engineering, or mathematics elective courses that provide sufficient breadth and depth for you to gain the necessary graduate-level, interdisciplinary knowledge to complete dissertation research.

A complete description of program requirements and a full list of courses is available in the UAB Graduate Catalog.

Research Requirements

A total of three first-author original research articles in peer-reviewed journals based on your dissertation research are required for completion of the PhD program. If you published an article part of your MSBME degree, only two further articles will be required.

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