Being part of the fully online CEM program allowed me to help my company do business during the COVID-19 pandemic. I was the one in my office giving tutorials about how to run a virtual meeting with cameras and shared computer screens.
The curriculum is what lead me to choose the UAB CEM program. I was relatively new to the construction industry and felt like an imposter. The very valuable knowledge gained from the classes and from my groupmates have built my confidence.
The CEM program has been the best education that I ever received. What I learned in the classroom and what I was doing on the jobsite went together. The knowledge from this program has exceeded my expectations, but my favorite part was the connections that I made with my classmates during group projects.
What attracted me to the UAB CEM program was that all ten classes were real-world and relevant. The classes have made me more knowledge, confident, and productive, and I learned current software technology that was not available as an undergraduate.
The UAB CEM program has taught me to be a proud woman in construction while working in a male dominated field. Absorbing and applying the knowledge gained within the CEM Program has led me to experience an abnormal acceleration and promotion within my company.
I selected UAB over other universities because the CEM program is prestigious, very well-known, and has a more affordable cost. Also, looking at the numbers, the CEM program was ranked much better, and the courses lined up neck-to-neck. UAB is an “Unforgettable” experience, an “Admirable” institution, and the “Beginning” of success and happiness.
The CEM program and the group assignments have introduced me to people that I will be friends with for the rest of my life.
The knowledge, skills and abilities gained from the CEM degree program has been pragmatic in all aspects of my construction business. It also inspired me to expand plan to include program and project management services as part of my construction company portfolio. As a result, I entered an alliance with a larger firm, and we just landed a very large construction management contract. This would not be possible without my UAB experience.
All of the classes are absolutely amazing. Even though they are construction management oriented, they truly apply to other fields like design, architecture, engineering, and landscape architecture. I am very grateful for the CEM program and super excited about the future.
I have been reaping the benefits from this CEM program since the first week. I added the pending UAB degree to my resume and say that action got me a lot of interviews and eventually my new job as a construction supervisor. Outside of the job position and financial benefits, completing this program has given me a great sense of pride.
I learned from the CEM program that we manage processes, but we lead people. We also have a cycle that we go through; we explore, we experiment, and we evolve. The value of that exploration has allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone to experiment with more responsibility. I could not have evolved more while at UAB and I owe it all to this program.
Being part of the fully online CEM program allowed me to help my company do business during the COVID-19 pandemic. I was the one in my office giving tutorials about how to run a virtual meeting with cameras and shared computer screens.