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B. Long

I learned that to be competitive in this industry you must obtain degrees and certifications. The CEM degree program was incredible. It is like they took a knife and said we are going to cut out every bit of the fat and only keep what is absolutely practical. It was worth every bit of money that I put into it.

I got exactly what I thought I would from the program and then some. Like my military background, CEM is about discipline, learning, and work ethic, which forced me to be diligent and non-complacent. I am very excited about my future and career opportunities.

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B. Long

I learned that to be competitive in this industry you must obtain degrees and certifications. The CEM degree program was incredible. It is like they took a knife and said we are going to cut out every bit of the fat and only keep what is absolutely practical. It was worth every bit of money that I put into it.