Explore UAB

A. Ogbe

I have been reaping the benefits from this CEM program since the first week. I added the pending UAB degree to my resume and say that action got me a lot of interviews and eventually my new job as a construction supervisor. Outside of the job position and financial benefits, completing this program has given me a great sense of pride.

I learned from the CEM program that we manage processes, but we lead people. We also have a cycle that we go through; we explore, we experiment, and we evolve. The value of that exploration has allowed me to step outside of my comfort zone to experiment with more responsibility. I could not have evolved more while at UAB and I owe it all to this program.

A. Ogbe

I have been reaping the benefits from this CEM program since the first week. I added the pending UAB degree to my resume and say that action got me a lot of interviews and eventually my new job as a construction supervisor. Outside of the job position and financial benefits, completing this program has given me a great sense of pride.