To the entire staff and instructors, you have put together an outstanding program that really translates to the reality of the real world. The information and tools that we received can be put to use today and that is so valuable.
CEM was a great experience, especially with the opportunity to interact online with the vast differences in classmate ages, job positions, and general locations, as peers are scattered throughout the world. It was beneficial to work with others on group projects that had different educational backgrounds and knowledge in the construction industry.
To the entire staff and instructors, you have put together an outstanding program that really translates to the reality of the real world. The information and tools that we received can be put to use today and that is so valuable.
CEM was a great experience, especially with the opportunity to interact online with the vast differences in classmate ages, job positions, and general locations, as peers are scattered throughout the world. It was beneficial to work with others on group projects that had different educational backgrounds and knowledge in the construction industry.