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Research Proposal Submission 2024

In an effort to facilitate the timely submission of research proposals and to increase the efficiency of our proposal submission process, we have created the form below to gather information about your proposal.

For proposals with multiple PIs, multiple departments or institutions, or other special circumstances, your department's grants support person may contact you before the deadline to facilitate timely submission.

Proposal routing through the School of Engineering for submission to OSP

(For SBIR or STTR proposals, click here)

As a reminder, OSP has the following deadlines for proposal submission:

  • Final Proposals (research plan draft included) in a Complete Submission are due to OSP no later than five full business days prior to the sponsor’s deadline by 8 a.m.
  • “Ready-to-Submit" Proposals are due to OSP no later than 12:00 Noon the business day before the sponsor’s deadline.

In order to ensure that Dean’s Office staff have adequate time to review a proposal, a complete proposal must be submitted to the department research administrator (see below) by 8 a.m., no later than 10 business days before the sponsor’s deadline.

Additional information and resources for timely submission or proposals is on the OSP Submission Requirements page:  https://www.uab.edu/research/home/osp-submission-requirements.

Proposal Submission Incentive Plan

A PI in the School of Engineering who submits a proposal for internal review at least 60 days prior to the sponsor’s deadline and subsequently successfully submits the proposals through OSP is eligible for a $500 Proposal Submission Incentive (PSI).  Information about the PSI and the submission process are detailed in the Proposal Submission Incentive Plan.


Department Research Administrators

If you have questions about your proposal deadlines, please contact the appropriate financial officer for your department:

Biomedical Engineering — Sandra Wren, Kaelin Stephens

Civil, Construction, and Environmental Engineering — Eboni Austin

Dean's Office — Jonathan Averett

EITD/AVMI — LaTonya Thomas

Electrical and Computer Engineering — Jonathan Averett

Materials Science and Engineering— Megan Lu

Mechanical Engineering — Eboni Austin

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