Ramadan, OE, and Sisiopiku, V.P. (2019). “A Critical Review on Population Synthesis for Activity- and Agent-Based Transportation Models”, In Transportation, Stefano De Luca and Roberta Di Pace Editors, ISBN 978-953-51-6877-5, DOI: 10.5772/intechopen.86307.
Sisiopiku, V. P., and Ramadan, O. E., Editors (2015). Urban Planning and Civil Engineering, ISBN 978-960-598-009-2, August 2015, 410 pages.
Sisiopiku, V. P., and Abro, A. M. (2014). “Establishing the Connection between Livable Community Assets and Public Health”, In Intercultural Dialogue on Health Economics, Management and Policy: Challenges and Chances, Sabine Bohnet-Joschko and Zoe Boutsioli Editors, ISBN 978-618-5065-26-3, June 2014, pp. 41-54.
Kondyli, V. Sisiopiku, L. Zhao, and A. Barmpoutis (2014). "Comparative Analysis of Driving Maneuvers Using 3D Body Posture Data", Chapter 2.15 of Advances in Human Aspects of Transportation: Part II. N. Stanton, S. Landry, G. Di Bucchianico, A. Vallicelli Editors, ISBN: 9781495120985, July 2014, pp. 194-203.
Sisiopiku, V. P. (2012). “Active Traffic Management as a Tool for Addressing Traffic Congestion”, In Intelligent Transportation Systems, Ahmed Abdel-Rahim Editor, ISBN 979-953-307-420-6, March 2012, pp. 169-188.
Sisiopiku, V. P., Sullivan, A., Foster, J., and Fine, P. R. (2011). “Emergency Response and Traffic Congestion: The Dispatchers Perspective”. In Disaster Management and Human Health Risk II. Reducing Risk, Improving Outcomes, C.A. Brebbia, A.J. Kassab, and E.A. Divo Editors, WIT Press, ISBN 978-1-84564-536-6, 2011, 125-136.