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We understand that completing your final research project is both an exciting and a demanding process. In order to make this process as smooth as possible, please review this pdfPlan I Student Checklist of logistical items that must be completed along the way.

The typical lifecycle of a Plan I Student (anyone writing a thesis or dissertation) can be found pdf here (accessible version available). Individual programs may have additional requirements or processes, so be sure to communicate your plans with your program early!


Establishing your committee is the first step in formalizing your research. This process should be started early in your academic career! The below checklist will ensure your committee can be formally established with the Graduate School.

Step 1

Identify faculty members who will serve on your committee. While additional committee members may be beneficial, UAB requires a minimum of three committee members for masters students and five for doctoral students.

Step 2

Verify all committee members have Graduate Faculty Status.

If they don't, or if you will have any Ad Hoc faculty serving on your committee, your program will need to request Graduate Faculty Status on their behalf.

Step 3

Submit your Committee Form to the Graduate School.

Step 4

Need to make changes to your committee? Complete a Change of Graduate Study Committee form.


Before you can register for thesis or dissertation hours (699 or 799) you will need to be formally admitted to candidacy. For most students, this will occur after passing your comprehensive exams, but be sure to discuss expectations and timing with your program. There are some steps you'll need to take early on to ensure your progression to candidacy is smooth!

Step 1: Know Your Deadlines!

Candidacy Deadlines

Step 2: Determine if Your Research will Involve Human or Animal Subjects

NOTE: The review period for IRB/IACUC approval can be significant. Begin this process early, as lack of approval will delay your admission to candidacy.

Human Subjects

Research involving human subjects requires approval from the IRB office. Discuss with your program whether you will be listed as the Principle Investigator or covered under an existing protocol. Either way, your name will need to be listed on the approval letter generated by the IRB office.

Animal Subjects

Research involving animal subjects requires approval from the IACUC office. Discuss with your program whether you will be listed as the Principle Investigator or covered under an existing protocol. An IRAP Personnel Form for the relevant IACUC protocol number can be downloaded from IRAP and attached with your candidacy application.

Step 3: Verify the Research Compliance Requirements of Your Program

Masters Students (excluding Master of Arts):

Your must complete RCR training, including a 2-hour in-person component. Visit the RCR Training page for more information and to coordinate your in-person training.

Doctoral Students:

Successfully complete GRD 717 (or approved substitute) prior to progressing to candidacy.

Step 4: Apply for Admission to Candidacy

Application for Admission to Candidacy

Step 5: Register for Thesis/Dissertation Hours (699/799)

Doctoral students are required to have a minimum of 12 semester hours in 799 dissertation research AND, either during or before candidacy, 12 semester hours in other appropriate research-based coursework which has been approved by the graduate student's program. Master’s students are required to have a minimum of 6 semester hours of thesis research (i.e. 699) over a minimum of one semester in candidacy.

Approval Forms and Your Public Defense

The public defense represents the culmination of your research. Once you are ready to defend your thesis or dissertation, you'll need to request your defense approval form. The Graduate School will also list your defense information on the Presentation Calendar using the information provided on the request.

Step 1

Ensure you have submitted your Application for Degree in BlazerNET.

Step 2

Schedule your defense before the final defense deadline. Find your application and defense deadline.

Step 3

Submit your Thesis/Dissertation Approval Form Request. NOTE: This must be done a minimum of two weeks prior to your public defense, but should be done as early as possible once you know your defense date. 

You will receive a confirmation email from the Graduate School when your request has been processed. Your approval form will be generated electronically the morning of your defense and sent to your committee. When the form has been completed by all committee members and returned to the Graduate School you will receive an email with the final copy.


The publication of your thesis or dissertation is an exciting time for any graduate student. The below checklist will make the process of writing and submitting your document as smooth as possible.

Step 1

Decide which style guide (APA, CBE, etc) will be used and arrangements for having your work edited by your committee.

Step 2

Familiarize yourself with pdfUAB's format manual. While some exceptions to this formatting may be appropriate based on program standards, the end result should be a consistently formatted and clean submission of publishable quality.

You can find a list of templates that may help you with formatting by visiting our Templates resource page and reviewing our editing and publishing guidance.

Learn about docxcommon formatting errors.

Step 3

Submit your thesis/dissertation as a single PDF to ProQuest within 10 business days of your final defense. You will be notified via email (usually within 5-7 business days) when your submission has been reviewed. Monitor your email closely so you can make any necessary changes. 

Step 4

Complete the Survey of Earned Doctorates (applies to doctoral students only).

Step 5

Complete the Graduate School Exit Survey (required for Doctoral students). The link will be sent to you with your final approval form.

Step 6

See the Resources section below for information on copyrighting your work, ordering bound copies, and browsing previously published theses/dissertations.

Resources & Links

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