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HR Updates

Effective October 1, 2023, eligible UAB employees who are in their initial six-month probationary period will be allowed to utilize their accrued vacation time and three personal holidays with their supervisor's approval. The holiday policy for regular part-time, UAB Hospital, UAB Police and UAB Call Center remains unchanged.

Starting in October, an employee's supervisor, manager or department/unit head will consider all requests for vacation and/or personal holiday time regardless of the employee's probationary period status.

For more information, see the updated HR Policy 301: Vacation and HR Policy 302: Holidays in the UAB Policies and Procedures Library, or contact HR's Talent Performance & Relations team for questions about this update.

Also, two extra holidays have been added to the upcoming holiday season for eligible UAB employees — December 26, 2023, and January 2, 2024. These dates will be additional designated holidays for non-essential employees, and essential employees will have 16 additional holiday hours added to their balance before these dates occur. This will increase the maximum personal holiday hours for essential employees to 112 hours through June 2024. See the Designated Holidays page for more information.

— Posted August 7, 2023