COVID-19 Dependent Care Exception Leave allows employees to care for an immediate family member (parent, spouse and child) for whom the employee is the primary caregiver, and who is advised or directed to quarantine by a medical professional, public health authority, or the management of a school or care facility utilized by the immediate family member.
The employee is expected to return to work as soon as the immediate family member is cleared to return to work, school or care facility. This leave can only be used for 14 calendar days.
- Eligible Employee Groups: UAB Campus & Hospital/LLC employees in Workforce Groups A, F and C, in the assignment categories of 01/03/12/17/21
- The employee must be required to stay at home to care for the affected family member, as outlined on the Dependent Care Exception Request Form
- The employee has or will fall below 40 total hours of accruals during the requested leave period
- The employee must not be able to work remotely.
- The employee is on a UAB-approved leave of absence, meaning the request form has been approved by direct supervisor and AVP/Dean
Employees who complete the below steps and meet all other eligibility requirement above will be able to receive direct or pool donations, not to exceed 80 hours.

Step 1
- The employee must notify their supervisor of their need for COVID-19 Dependent Care Exception Leave.

Step 2
The employee must complete the COVID-19 Dependent Care Exception Leave Form which requires:
- Form must be submitted for exception to be approved direct supervisor and by the AVP/Dean.
- Start and end dates must be specified on the form.
- If time is needed beyond 14 calendar days, a new leave request will be required. Exception for donation will not be granted beyond 14 days.
- Employee must provide supporting documentation of the closure of the workplace, school or care facility.

Step 3
- Completed forms must be submitted to Incomplete forms will not be processed.

Step 4
- Submit a request for Sick Time Donations in the Sick Time Donations Request App.