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Records Administration & Compliance

UAB now partners with Equifax to support employment and wage verification requests. Starting May 1, 2023, employees and third-party verifiers will need to use Equifax’s platform, The Work Number, to process all employment and wage verification requests securely.

Current/Previous Employees

Employees can request an employment and/or wage verification request via The Work Number, free of charge, by following the steps below.

  1. Start by going to employees.theworknumber.com.
  2. Select “Log In” and follow the simple prompts.
  3. Enter the Employer Code 157198.
  4. If this is your first time, pick “Register Now.” (NOTE: If you established an account in WAGEverify, you will have to register for a new account in The Work Number before use.)
  5. If you are a returning user, enter the username and password you set up.
  6. The screen prompts will walk you through all the steps to help verify your identity and keep your account private while offering helpful messages if you have problems.
THE WORK NUMBER for EmployeesOpens an external link.

Third-Party Verifiers

Third-Party verifiers may also make verification requests by following the steps below.

  1. To verify income and employment, go to theworknumber.com to view the various verification services and sign up. (NOTE: If you established an account with WAGEverify, your verifier information was transferred to The Work Number.)
  2. Sign up as one of the following:
    • Verify for Your Organization: Verify someone's employment, income or work history.
    • Government Program Verification: Determine someone's eligibility for government assistance.
  3. Already have access to The Work Number Database? Visit theworknumber.com and login to your account.
THE WORK NUMBER for Third-Party VerifiersOpens an external link.

See The Work Number Employee Guide & FAQs (PDF) for more information.