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Employee Wellness


Wellscreens2023 FaxForm IconReasons to use the Wellscreens Physicians Fax Form:

  • Unable to schedule a visit during the set times/dates
  • Work for UAB in a facility outside of our 100-block radius
  • Already had blood work taken after January 1 that fits the requested metrics

If you are unable to attend one of the screening events, you have the option to have the appropriate measures taken by your primary care physician using the Physician Fax Form. A Physician Fax Form must be completed by your health care provider and faxed to UAB HealthSmart (205-996-2974) by November 30 to receive completion credit for incentive (if applicable). No exceptions. Please confirm with your physician that your visit is a preventive exam visit to ensure that it is recorded (“coded”) appropriately.

Click on image to download/print.

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