Explore UAB

people walking around campusThe Office of Institutional Effectiveness & Analysis provides:

  • Institutional research
    • Federal and state compliance reporting
    • Data analysis services to promote UAB’s strategic goals
    • Data for grant application support
  • Decision-making support
    • Data analysis services to inform campus decision-making and planning
    • Interactive dashboards and self-service reports through tools such as Tableau and Microsoft PowerBI
  • Assessment, Accreditation, and Academic Planning
    • Facilitation of outcomes assessment for the systematic improvement of the quality of educational programs, services, and administrative processes.
    • SACSCOC Liaison leads accreditation processes.
    • Coordination of the academic planning process with UA System and ACHE approval processes.

In addition to fulfilling Federal, state, and other recurring reporting requirements, IEA can provide analytics and decision-making support at various levels within the UAB community, including enrollment, retention and graduation rates, credit hour production, and workforce information. IEA staff are also available to engage in focused consultations and project management to help address critical questions about student success, academic planning, and grant data support.

Requests for services may be submitted through a data request form or by e-mailing us at IEA@uab.edu.