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We maintain a large equipment inventory stocked with the latest in multimedia production equipment for students and faculty in affiliated courses.

Who Can Check Out Equipment?

If you are a student enrolled in one of our affiliated media-based courses, we have equipment specifically reserved for you. Your instructor will provide you with more information at the beginning of your course. All equipment requests must be submitted before 5:00 p.m. on the day before you would like to check out equipment.

Review the responsibility form rules and regulations

  1. I will abide by the Media Commons guidelines presented to me at the beginning of each semester by my instructor.
  2. I understand that it is my responsibility to confirm that all of the equipment is in working order before it leaves the Media Commons.
  3. I understand that I am completely responsible for the Media Commons equipment once it is in my care and am committed to practicing correct operation and care of the equipment.
  4. I will return the equipment I check out to the Media Commons the day after my initial checkout, unless otherwise approved. I understand that a fine of $15.00 per day will be charged and due at the time I return the equipment if I do not return equipment at the assigned check-in time.
  5. I understand that I must return equipment packed in the same way that it was checked out to me. If equipment is not packed correctly when returned, I understand that a fine of $5.00 will be charged and due at the time equipment is returned.
  6. I will guard and protect all equipment while it is in my care. I will not store equipment in a visible or open location or in a car. I will also not store the equipment in a location that is susceptible to extreme temperatures, such as a car. I will keep the equipment away from risk of damage, such as around smoke or open drink / food containers.
  7. I understand that when equipment is checked in, equipment condition will be inspected. I will pay for repairs or replacement of equipment if they are determined to be necessary by Media Commons staff. I also understand that an academic hold and a fine of $15.00 per day will be placed on my record if equipment is kept for longer than the checkout period or repairs/replacements are not paid.

If you have not filled out the Media Equipment Responsibility Form for the current semester, you will need to fill it out prior to making a reservation.

Submit Media Equipment Responsibility Form

How Long Can I Check Out Equipment?

We check out equipment for one-day periods. Equipment must be returned the next day. Extensions are granted for students enrolled in approved media-based courses, and a request must be submitted by the instructor.

What About Weekends?

Any equipment you check out on a Friday must be returned by the following Monday.

What if I Turn the Equipment in Late?

Late fines are $15 a day per checkout and incorrectly-packed equipment fees are $5 per piece of equipment. If you can't get the equipment back to us in time, email or give us a call immediately. We take this very seriously. If we have to call you, then you lose your checkout privileges for the semester. Any unpaid fines at the end of the semester transfers to your UAB student account and must be paid to enroll for the next semester.

Make a request