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CFAR Researcher Support Application-SPARK Grants

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Please note that it is optional for investigators to provide this information and declining to provide information will never affect consideration of a pilot or supplement application. All data will be reported to NIH anonymously.
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We are interested in assisting members of the following populations, which are nationally underrepresented in the U.S. biomedical, clinical, behavioral, and social sciences research enterprise (see NOT-OD-18-210 for more information):

Definitions for Individuals with Disabilities and Disadvantaged Backgrounds:

Individuals with disabilities: defined as those with a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities, as described in the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, as amended.  See NSF data at, https://www.nsf.gov/statistics/2017/nsf17310/static/data/tab7-5.pdf.

"Individuals from Disadvantaged Backgrounds: if individual meets two or more of the following criteria:

Grew up in one of the following areas: a) a U.S. rural area, as designated by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) Rural Health Grants Eligibility Analyzer (https://data.hrsa.gov/tools/rural-health), or b) a Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services-designated Low-Income and Health Professional Shortage Areas (qualifying zipcodes are included in the file). Only one of the two possibilities in #7 can be used as a criterion for the disadvantaged background definition."  

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Acknowledge the Center

Support the UAB Center for AIDS Research by acknowledging services in publications, abstracts, and grants. Cite us: This research was supported by the University of Alabama at Birmingham (UAB) Center For AIDS Research CFAR, an NIH funded program (P30 AI027767) that was made possible by the following institutes: NIAID, NCI, NICHD, NHLBI, NIDA, NIMH, NIA, NIDDK, NIGMS, NIMHD, FIC, NIDCR, and OAR.