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CFAR Public Health Dataset Request Form

Note to Applicant: Thank you for your interest in using these data. Please find a brief description of all datasets below and fill out the required fields. If your application is preliminarily accepted, you may be asked to attend a conference call to discuss your proposal. ICS Core Leadership will decide the final outcome of your proposal.

Dataset Years Covered Description
Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH) HIV Surveillance 2012 - 2022 Data on all diagnosed PWH in Alabama
ADPH STD Prevention and Control April 2014-June 2022 Demographic and risk factor data among persons diagnosed with Chlamydia,
Gonorrhea, or Syphilis in Alabama
Alabama Medicaid January 2016-December 2020 Claims data on over 2 million Alabama residents
LabCorp January 2, 2012-December 27, 2023 Private laboratory data for Alabama and Mississippi
Quest Diagnostics January 1 2013-March 30 2023 Private laboratory data for Alabama and Mississippi

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By completing this request, you and your research team are agreeing to any and all provisions for data use and protection as presented in various Data Use Agreements, dependent on the specific variables requested.  All data may only be used for non-commercial research, public health and healthcare operations purposes, you and/or your research team may not modify, adapt, merge, translate, create, derivative works of, or combine with other databases, this Data, or any portion thereof in a manner which is in any way accessible or able to be viewed or used by any third party except for provisions, such as publishable analysis, outlined in our various contracts. You and/or your research team may not distribute any non-aggregated part of these Data to another party and will house all received data securely in compliance with HIPAA and the agreement you will sign if your concept was approved. Per publications, you and/or your research team agree to provide a draft of any proposed publication to UAB ICS Core Leadership to review and provide comments on such draft in a timely manner and will shall take any such comments into consideration in good faith and shall remove any Confidential Information identified prior to submission for publication. Additionally, any such publication shall credit UAB CFAR and the original data provider as the source of the data.