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The Center for Injury Science, founded in 1999, conducts research to promote injury prevention and to improve trauma care. Our mission is to improve outcomes from injury at all stages of care, from the prehospital setting through to resuscitation, acute care and rehabilitation.

Our approach is cross-cutting and multidisciplinary. We support research across UAB and have experience working with the following departments:

  • Anesthesiology 
  • Cardiology 
  •  Emergency Medicine
  •  Infectious Diseases
  •  Radiology
  •  Surgery

The center is comprised of four research units: the Clinical Trials Unit, the Trauma Care Delivery Research Unit and the Basic Science and Translational Research Unit.

Complete Project Listing:

Study Title PI Short Description Status Clinical Trials.gov Link
Trauma Resuscitation with Group O Whole Blood Or Products Jansen / Hurst  A multicenter clinical trial (TROOP) comparing whole blood vs conventional separated component blood in the resuscitation of traumatic hemorrhagic shock.  Enrolling


Non-Invasive Monitoring of Traumatic Brain Injury Progression using the Infrascanner Black To evaluate the feasibility of hourly Infrascanner use in TBI patients and the devices ability to detect enlargement of intracranial hematomas and avoiding routine repeat CT scans in patients with mild or moderately severe traumatic brain injuries. Enrolling https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04893837
Evaluation of BE1116 (4F-PCC) in patients with traumatic injury and confirmed or suspected acute major bleeding to improve survival Jansen / Cox This is a prospective, multicenter, randomized, double-blind, placebo controlled, parallel-group, large simple trial to investigate the efficacy and safety of a single intravenous (IV) infusion of BE1116 in patients with traumatic injury and confirmed or suspected acute major bleeding predicted to receive a large volume blood product transfusion. Enrolling https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05568888
Plasma Resuscitation withOut Lung Injury Jansen An open-label, phase IV, multicenter, randomized controlled prospective clinical trial to 1) determine whether the administration of Pathogen-Reduced Plasma during burn resuscitation results in decreased total resuscitation volumes compared to standard-of-care crystalloid-based resuscitation, 2) determine whether Pathogen-Reduced Plasma administration during burn resuscitation reduces ARDS, 3) determine the effect of Pathogen-Reduced Plasma administration on the endotheliopathy of burns. Enrolling https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04681638
A Randomized Clinical Trial of Scenario Planning for Older Adults with Serious Injury Gelbard The objective of this proposal is to test the effectiveness of the Best Case/Worst Case-ICU communication tool on quality of communication, clinician moral distress, and ICU length of stay for older adults with severe traumatic injury.  Enrolling https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT05780918
DMSO Cryopreserved Platelets in Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery (CRYPTICS) Davies The purpose of this study is to compare Cryopreserved Platelets to standard of care Liquid Stored Platelets in controlling blood loss in patients undergoing Cardiopulmonary Bypass Surgery.  Start-up https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04709705
WounDx Clinical Decision Support Tool Gelbard To evaluate the use of inflammatory biomarker expression and clinical data in a clinical decision support tool to estimate the timing for delayed closure of traumatic extremity wounds. Start-up
Type O Whole Blood and Assessment of Age During Prehospital Resuscitation Trial Hashmi A multicenter clinical trial designed to compare the administration of whole blood to standard practice in a prehospital setting for the resuscitation of patients at risk for shock due to trauma-related hemorrhage. This study will also evaluate patient outcomes based upon the age of whole blood administered. Start-up https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04684719
FFP In Traumatic BRAin INjury (FIT-BRAIN) Tri Jansen To perform a Phase 2/3, Randomized, Multicenter Study to Evaluate the Efficacy of Fresh Frozen Plasma in Subjects with Moderate to Severe Traumatic Brain Injury.  Start-up https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT06062888
Strategy to Avoid Excessive Oxygen for Critically Ill Burn Patients Hwang To determine the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of the targeted normoxia approach to conserve oxygen and improve clinical outcomes in critically injured patients. Close-out https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04534972
Strategy to Avoid Excessive Oxygen for Critically Ill Trauma Patients Jansen To determine the feasibility, safety, and effectiveness of the targeted normoxia approach to conserve oxygen and improve clinical outcomes in critically injured patients. Close-out https://clinicaltrials.gov/study/NCT04534959