Explore UAB

Dr. Navin C. Nanda, Distinguished Professor of Medicine and Cardiovascular Disease, Nandahas just published a book entitled “Comprehensive Textbook of Echocardiography”. This book is probably the largest book on Echocardiography to date. The two volume book contains over 2000 pages and includes 85 chapters, and over 4400 illustrations.  Over 1800 movie clips are included on the 8 DVDs accompanying the book which is published by Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers based in India, the UK and the USA.

Over 150 internationally renowned experts in the field of echocardiography from all over the world contributed chapters including some from UAB. It covers all aspects of echocardiography and cardiovascular ultrasound in a comprehensive manner and is written in clear, coherent and easy-to-grasp language. 

It is available through Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (http://www.jaypeebrothers.com/pgDetails.aspx?book_id=9789350906347), Amazon and Barnes & Noble.