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Music Therapists Mary Fair and Kim HamrickMusic Therapists Mary Fair and Kim HamrickThanks to a new music therapy initiative called the Heartbeat Project in the Center for Palliative and Supportive Care, a former patient’s heartbeat was recorded, put to music, and incorporated into a song. Not only does having music therapy during treatment provide comfort for the patients, but through this innovative and encouraging program, family members may also have a lasting legacy to remember their loved one.

More Good News for April 18, 2018

Chaitanya Allamneni, MD, PGY-2, Brent Bermingham, MD, PGY-2, Ali Dixon MD, PGY-2, and Nabiel Mir, MD, PGY-1 have been selected as UAB Internal Medicine Resident Research Scholars for the academic year 2018-19.  All will receive two months of protected time to conduct mentored research over the next academic year.

Congratulations to Mark Dransfield, MD (Professor) and Mike Wells, MD (Assistant Professor) in the Division of Pulmonary, Allergy and Critical Care, who received a UG3 from NIH/NCATS.  This project explores a novel therapeutic approach to target the excessive proteolysis/elastolysis in alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency (AATD) patients.  They hypothesize that the new drug will block neutrophil elastase activity in the lungs and plasma and thus reduce desmosine and isodesmosine levels, and that the drug will be safe and well tolerated. 

Marianthe Grammas, MD (Assistant Professor in Gerontology, Geriatrics and Palliative Care) has been chosen for the Emerging Leaders in Aging Program, sponsored by Tideswell, the American Geriatrics Society, and the Association of Directors of Geriatric Academic Programs (ADGAP).  This Program focuses on one of the greatest needs in healthcare today—improving the quality of care for older adults at home with multiple illnesses and functional limitations.

The UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center and the Rotary Club of Birmingham are joining forces to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem in Sri Lanka. According to Isabel Scarinci, PhD (Professor, Preventive Medicine) implementation steps are underway for Sri Lanka to be the first country to eliminate cervical cancer as a public health problem. 

Check out three new podcasts from DOM Docs:

Quality in Bone DensitometrySarah Morgan, MD discusses T-score and Z-score results, quality in bone densitometry, and when to refer to a specialist.

Advanced Lung Disease/ARDSVincent Valentine, MD discusses ARDS, who might be a candidate for lung transplantation, and when to refer to a specialist. 

Obesity as a DiseaseAmy Warriner, MD discusses the UAB Weight Loss Medicine Program.

Announcing C. Glenn Cobbs Awardees for Excellence for Best Write-ups at the VA: Sean Carter, MD (PGY-1), Internal Medicine, December’s winner; and Alexandra Martirossian, MD (PGY-1) Internal Medicine, January’s winner.

Coming next week to Medical Grand Rounds: 
Jayshil Patel, MD, Associate Professor, Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine at the Medical College of Wisconsin will present “From Cognitive Bias to Empty Phrases: The ‘Things We DO and SAY’ that Affect the Patient Experience” at noon on Wednesday, April 25, in the Margaret Cameron Spain Auditorium.


  • Mark your calendars for the next DOM Women in Medicine session at 4:00 p.m. on Thursday, May 3, in Boshell Diabetes Building Room 334. Erin Snyder, MD, will present “Take On Leadership.” All DOM women—residents, fellows, clinical and research faculty—are invited.

  • Save-the-Date: On Friday, May 4, The Young Supporters Board of the UAB Comprehensive Cancer Center will present Fiesta Ball 2018, an evening with live music, delicious food by Happy Catering and a silent auction, 7:00-11:00 p.m. at Haven, 2515 Sixth Avenue, South. The Fiesta Ball will support the work of young cancer research scientists and cancer outreach efforts.

  • Conversation Series that is a part of Patient Experience week as well so maybe we can give the Department heads up about these physician sessions as well so some can attend if they are available.  Those sessions are at 7am and at 4pm which should be more convenient for the providers. (Dr. Rodney Tucker will give us more info.)

  • On May 8, UAB will celebrate 50 years of transplantation with a commemoration event on the first floor of the North Pavilion atrium at 11:00 a.m. Information about becoming a living donor, providing financial gifts to support transplantation at UAB, and more will be available at the event.

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