Are you ready to take your athletic performance to the next level? In collaboration with select community partners, the UAB Department of Family and Community Medicine offers the Sports, Wellness, Exercise, and Elite Performance (SWEEP) Program. This program is open to competitive athletes as well as those working toward athletic goals, ages 12 and older, and starts with a comprehensive lifestyle and metabolic evaluation performed by a sports medicine physician.
Based on your results and goals, we tailor our resources and design a plan that works for you. These resources may include helpful apps, and educational, dietary, or exercise programs that fit your individual needs.
Meet the Team
The SWEEP Program utilizes our multidisciplinary team of diet, exercise, and psychology professionals to support your health journey.
Schedule an Appointment
The SWEEP Program is located at UAB-Highlands, 3rd floor, although many of the services are offered through video calls.
For more information or to schedule an appointment, call 205-930-8339.