Our goal is to deliver outstanding care for patients and families through integrated clinical and laboratory services. We are considered a national and international referral source for patients with neurofibromatosis, Huntington’s disease, tuberous sclerosis and more.

In addition to these various clinical services, the UAB Department of Genetics created the Undiagnosed Diseases Program (UDP), which seeks to meet the needs of patients with severe, chronic medical conditions in whom a diagnosis has not been made despite extensive efforts.
Other conditions for which clinical evaluations and genetic counseling are available include: Down syndrome, biochemical genetics/inherited disorders of metabolism, cancer genetics, cardiovascular, cleft lip/cleft palate, chromosome abnormalities, craniofacial disorders, deafness, Huntington's disease, lysosomal storage disorders, neurofibromatosis, prenatal and preconception genetics, skeletal dysplasias, and tuberous sclerosis, among others.
To reach the clinic or make an appointment, please call (205) 934-4983.