The 2025 Gorgas Diploma Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine will be taught January 27th, 2025 - March 28th , 2025. Applications for 2025 are closed.
The 2026 Gorgas Diploma Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine will be taught January 26th, 2026 - March 27th, 2026. Applications for 2026 are open now.
Apply here for the 2026 Gorgas Diploma Course
The course is targeted to physicians, nursing professionals, physician assistants, and public health professionals. Non-physicians should contact the Gorgas Institute prior to submitting a full application to assess the suitability of the course to their needs. Medical students are not accepted. Instruction is at the level of the general physician.
Application process
The registration process for the Gorgas Diploma Course is by competitive application. Given the high demand for this course, the application process opens 15 months in advance of the intended start date. The selection of participants is based on applicant international experience, future work engagement in the field of tropical medicine and Letters of Recommendation. There is no prioritization by date of receipt however the selection process is done in two rounds: the first round assigns half of the available course places (20) among every application received until December 31st; the second half of positions will be assigned among the remainder applications, including the ones received until March 31st. Applicants will be contacted during the second week of January (initial round) or during the second week of April (final round) for a definitive answer.
Maximum of 40 participants.
Tuition for the 2026 Diploma Course is $9,500 USD and includes the transportation and accommodation for the field trips to Cusco and Iquitos. For the latter, tuition covers a one-way ticket to give our students the chance to stay in the Peruvian Amazon after the course closure. Accommodation and meal expenses in Lima are covered by the participant.
Local apartments for short-term lease are available for $1,500-2,500 for a 2-3 bedroom apartment through many websites, rentals can be made in advance. Since 2 or 3 participants sharing an apartment is the most economical arrangement, we facilitate class introductions by e-mail and social media in the 60 days prior to the course. We strongly encourage course participants to rent places in the district of Miraflores due to its safety and easy accessibility to groceries, restaurants, malls and the Pacific coast. Travel time to the bus pick-up point must be taken into consideration.
Daily transportation to the course location is covered by the course organizers while in Lima. Buses will depart every day at 7 o’clock from the pick-up point in Miraflores and come back from the Tropical Medicine Institute after finishing the afternoon lecture.