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{slide=Am I eligible to participate?}

If you have received a BMT or were diagnosed with a cancer or life-threatening condition and treated at University of Minnesota, City of Hope, or the University of Alabama at Birmingham between 1974 and 2014, you are eligible to participate. We have been reaching out to patients from these institutions, but please contact us at 855-903-2136 if you feel that you might not have received an invitation to participate.

Additionally, the siblings of patients who participated are also being asked to join the study.


{slide=What is a BMT?}

A BMT is a blood or marrow transplant; it is a treatment offered to patients with a variety of diagnoses (leukemia, lymphoma, multiple myeloma and other diagnoses) with curative intent.


{slide=Why do you want my siblings contact information?}

As part of our study, we are using siblings as a comparison group. We would like to compare the health of our BMT recipients with a group of individuals who have not undergone transplantation; thus with a sibling comparison group, we will have a better idea of how cancer and its treatment affect long-term health of those who have received a BMT.


{slide=How are you going to protect my information?}

In this era there is a lot of concern about providing personal information. The information we receive will be kept private and no individual will be identified in any study reports. Only study staff working with the BMT Long-term Follow-up Study will have access to your questionnaire or the information gathered from your medical report. After we receive your information it will be de-identified, meaning your name or other identifying features will not be used in any reports of our findings, or released to any person or agency, except study investigators. Please see the “Informed Consent/Information Sheet” that you received with your packet for more information.


{slide=How can I do this study online?}

In order to complete the study online you will need a personalized link from the BMT Long-term Follow-up Staff. You can contact them by calling 855-903-2136 or emailing them at BMTStudy@peds.uab.edu


{slide=Why are you doing this study?}

With the information collected in this study we hope to inform doctors and patients of possible outcomes after BMT. This will contribute to improvement and refinement of how patients are treated in the future.


{slide=I’ve been very healthy and I feel like a lot of these questions don’t apply to me, should I still complete the questionnaire?}

Yes! We greatly appreciate every individual’s participation regardless of how their health has changed over the years. Due to the variety in our participants we ask questions that may not fit everyone’s experience. Regardless of your answer, any response will help us better understand how to protect survivor’s health. 
