In the sunlit lobby of the brand-new Women & Infants Center at UAB, you’ll discover windows to the past. They’re stained-glass panels set into a glass wall—the last vestiges of the Crippled Children’s Clinic and Hospital that once stood a few blocks away. They serve as a reminder of the medical center’s rich legacy of caring for women and babies—one that stretches back more than a century.
That legacy took a great leap forward this February with the opening of the Women & Infants Center, one of the most technologically advanced facilities of its kind in the nation. For the UAB Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, a new home has helped inspire new ways of providing patient care and comfort, bold research initiatives, and novel educational opportunities. Those stained-glass windows to the past, it turns out, might also be windows to the future.
Clinical Care UAB's Women & Infants Center sets a new stage for ob/gyn care in Alabama.
Investigators explore new solutions in preventing cervical cancer and protecting fertility. |
Education Ob/gyns offer potential residents an inside view of the specialty. Alumni A former resident becomes a guide for future specialists. |
Additional Features
Feature + Interview A School of Medicine alumna becomes America's physician.
Alumni Profile Step into the ring with one of boxing's top doctors. |
Pictured above, left to right: Women and Infants Services administrative director Elicia Daley; neonatology director Wally Carlo, M.D.; and UAB ob/gyn department chair William Andrews, M.D., visit the Regional Newborn Intensive Care Unit, a centerpiece of the new Women & Infants Center.