Expect the unexpected. That's the challenge—and the goal—for everyone working in the field of emergency preparedness. News headlines highlight tornadoes, earthquakes, industrial accidents, and other disasters. Disease outbreaks and bioterrorist attacks also lie within the realm of possibility. Then there is the day-to-day reality of delivering emergency care that focuses on dealing with unplanned, life-threatening situations.
UAB clinicians and researchers play a crucial role any time a disaster strikes in the state or region. Preparing an effective response requires a blend of skill, science, meticulous planning, and coordinated action.
Clinical Care Experience helps shape UAB's response to emergencies. Education Residents get a firsthand look at the world of first responders. |
Research Current research could save lives in a future pandemic or chemical disaster. Alumni An alumnus readies Alabama's largest county for response. |
Additional Features
Alumni Profile A boy from Oklahoma becomes a pioneer and pediatrician in Alabama.