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William A. Anderson, PhD, MPH, MPA
William A. Anderson, PhD, MPH, MPA

Will Anderson 300x300By: Jessica Rhinehart 

For over 20 years, the UAB Minority Health & Health Equity Research Center (MHERC) has generated and disseminated research findings to reduce the health disparities experienced by vulnerable populations across the nation. As MHERC teams continue to translate science into better health for all, leadership prepares to align the center for success in years to come.

 As we prepare for the next phase of the MHERC, the center has named its first-ever Operations Administrator, William A. Anderson, PhD, MPH, MPA.

“We are fortunate to have Dr. Anderson take on this new role in our center. Over the past seven years, he has developed, shaped, and grown our research pillar and helped guide development of new resources for research. He has a passion for health equity and the skillset to help guide future work,” stated Director of the MHERC, Mona Fouad, M.D., MPH.

Since 2016, Anderson has served as the MHERC’s Director of Research, guiding development efforts, and collaborating on the implementation of funded projects. Now, in his expanded role, Anderson will continue his responsibilities as research director— supporting investigators, managing resources, collaborating on new studies—and will also provide general operational and strategic leadership for the center.

“With its rich history and experienced leadership and staff, the MHERC is a valuable resource for UAB and our collaborators. I’m looking forward to working with colleagues across campus, in the community, and at partner institutions to develop new initiatives and resources that support impactful health equity research at UAB and throughout our region,” said Anderson.

Anderson brings extensive experience in research development and study implementation in departments and divisions across campus. Most recently, he served as a Scientist in the Division of Preventive Medicine.

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