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The Science of Health Disparities: A Leader in Research 

The UAB Minority Health & Health Equity Research Center’s Research Program generates new knowledge on the social, behavioral, and biological mechanisms of health disparities and applies that knowledge to interventions and projects aimed at achieving health equity. The MHERC research team links investigators from various disciplines and scientific backgrounds to each other and to the tools and resources they need to conduct multidisciplinary health disparities research.

We are committed to advancing the knowledge of health disparities—for Birmingham, Alabama, the South, the nation, and the world. Through research, our teams develop strategies for outreach that impact entire communities. 

 Research Services

  • General health equity/health disparities research consultation
  • Identify funding opportunities in health equity research
  • Identification and linkage of research collaborators both at UAB and partner institutions
  • Linkage and referrals to resources and measurement tools for health equity research
  • Health equity pilot project opportunities
  • Seminars and general education on health disparities and health equity, for a variety of audiences

The faculty and staff of the MHERC are available to help researchers develop their health equity research ideas so that they can conduct high-quality, high-impact health equity and health disparities research. To learn more, contact us.


Current Research

Since the MHERC was founded in 2002, it has been home to large-scale, NIH-funded center grants and has supported the development and implementation of numerous large scale research studies and demonstration projects.

UAB/TU FIRST Partnership

UAB/TU FIRST Partnership

The University of Alabama at Birmingham and Tuskegee University, longtime partners in addressing health disparities, health equity, and diversity in research, have received funding from the National Institutes of Health Common Fund to establish the Benjamin-Carver FIRST Scientists, an initiative to build a community of scientists that are committed to excellence.

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Center for Cancer Control in Persistent Poverty Areas

Center for Cancer Control in Persistent Poverty Areas

The Cancer Awareness, Research, Engagement, and Support (CARES) Center aims to reduce the burden of cancer and cancer disparities in areas where large parts of the population have been continually affected by poverty. The center is one of only five Centers funded by the National Cancer Institute under the Persistent Poverty Initiative.

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Alabama CEAL

Alabama CEAL

Originally focused on COVID-19 prevention, in the fall of 2024, Alabama CEAL will maintain its foundation in community engaged research but shift focus to address chronic disease by mitigating social determinants of health (SDH) barriers in communities that face health disparities. To do this, we are taking a new approach to help redefine and strengthen community engagement in research.

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Live HealthSmart Alabama

Live HealthSmart Alabama

Live HealthSmart Alabama, the inaugural winner of the UAB Grand Challenge and program of Minority Health & Health Equity Research Center, is leading a transformational movement to decrease the incidence of chronic disease in Alabama and eliminate barriers to making good health simple.

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Past Research