Explore UAB

dittyBenjamin J. Ditty, a Kentucky native, obtained a BA in Economics from Johns Hopkins University in 2005 and a degree in medicine from the University of Southern California's Keck School of Medicine in 2009.

Ben arrived at the University of Alabama Birmingham in 2009, the first year that the Division of Neurosurgery directed the internship of its new trainees. He completed his internship in the summer of 2010 and is currently completing his neurological surgery residency at UAB. Influenced by Drs. Mark N. Hadley and Winfield S. Fisher, III, Ben’s primary clinical interests are the treatment of spinal degenerative and traumatic disease and the open treatment of cerebrovascular pathology.

Ben is married to Ashleigh Ditty of London, KY. His extracurricular interests include golf, politics, and economic policy.