Explore UAB

In order to continue growth and progress in our field, we are committed to training the next generation of neurosurgeons through our residency and fellowship programs.At UAB Neurosurgery, trainees develop outstanding surgical skills and are trained in evidence-based medicine and clinical outcomes research techniques.

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Residency & Fellowship Programs

UAB has a seven-year neurosurgical resident education program, dedicated to the clinical, surgical and professional development of our residents. We also offer fellowships for advanced neurosurgical training. 

Medical Students

Medical students are encouraged to rotate through our neurosurgical service to gain an appreciation of the wide variety of acute and chronic neurological diseases. We welcome medical students from other institutions to experience neurosurgery at UAB. For those interested in applying for a residency position, a one-month “acting internship” is strongly encouraged.

Continuing Education

Every fall, the department conducts its annual J. Garber Galbraith Symposium. This two-day program highlights research presentations summarizing ongoing investigational efforts within the department. Both clinical and basic scientific presentations are conducted by residents and faculty.

Clinical Observership

Becoming a pre-heath student observer is an opportunity for individuals who are interested in a career in health care to shadow medical staff or workforce member and learn more about the field. An observership experience also allows you to build a relationship with a mentor in the field and ask questions, ultimately helping you to decide if this path is the right one for you. Learn how to submit a clinical observing request.