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The Global Neurosurgery Program, seated in the UAB Department of Neurosurgery, is dedicated to fostering excellence in neurosurgical practices across borders, empowering healthcare professionals and trainees and advancing patient care globally. Through training, mentorship and experiential learning opportunities, we aim to shape compassionate, skilled neurosurgeons who can navigate and address the complexities of neurosurgical care on a global scale.

Mission and Vision

At the core of our mission lies a commitment to global health education, program development and research collaboration.

We strive to equip future generations of neurosurgeons to actively engage in providing neurosurgical care globally, foster stronger collaboration within the global neurosurgical community, and bolster the development capacity of neurosurgical services.

Program Objectives

  • Empower Future Neurosurgeons
    • Establish a formal program curriculum that seamlessly integrates with the UAB Neurosurgery resident training program and journal club schedule.
    • Establish a one-year global neurosurgery fellowship track with a formalized curriculum cohesive with the larger UAB Global Health educational and research ecosystem.
  • Foster Global Collaboration
    • Integrate the program with the UAB global landscape and other organizations worldwide.
    • Facilitate visits of UAB residents and fellows to partner hospitals for short term experience under supervision of UAB and partner institution faculty.
    • Host global fellows at UAB for short-term observational fellowships and research training.
  • Strengthen Neurosurgical Capacity
    • Build program and research infrastructure and establish clinical research and neurosurgical capacity collaborations with existing partnerships that are equitable and sustainable.
    • Cultivate a culture that embraces the power of advocacy to improve neurosurgical care, exploring its impact on policy development and implementation strategies to positively impact neurosurgical care on a global scale.
  • Advance Research and Innovation
    • Participate in the integration of partner sites into research consortiums and grants to sustain international partnerships.
    • Engage actively in the development, utilization and training of technology and innovative tools suitable for diverse contexts aiming to bridge disparities, fostering equitable access to program development and neurosurgical care.
Policy and Advocacy

Policy and Advocacy

Through advocacy efforts, policy research and engagement with policymakers and international organizations, we aim to influence global health agendas and shape policy frameworks by advancing initiatives that prioritize and support the needs of neurosurgeons and patients worldwide.

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Education and Collaboration

Education and Collaboration

Through collaborative training, mentorship, and experiential learning opportunities, we aim to shape compassionate, skilled neurosurgeons who can navigate and address the complexities of neurosurgical care on a global scale and excel in diverse global healthcare landscapes.

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Co-founded in 2018 by Global Neurosurgery Program Director James Johnston, M.D., InterSurgeon is an interactive website designed to bring individuals and organizations together in long-term partnerships essential to improving and promoting  safe surgery, surgical care and anaesthesia globally.

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Program Development Phases

  • Phase 1: Baseline

    Drawing from prior research on the landscape of global pediatric neurosurgery outreach and fellowship programs, we created a comprehensive survey to better understand the perspectives of UAB Neurosurgery faculty and residents and Heersink School of Medicine students. This survey aims to assess the perceptions surrounding participants’ past experiences in global neurosurgery and gauge interest in integrating global neurosurgery into our curriculum. Additionally, we are actively engaging residents with prior international rotation experience and collaborating with our partner hospitals to identify and evaluate key learning challenges, strengths and improvement opportunities for future international endeavors.

    Because we believe in the importance of collaboration and feedback, the survey remains active. 

    UAB Neurosurgery faculty and residents, Heersink School of Medicine students (who participate in the Department of Neurosurgery) and active UAB global neurosurgery participants can take the survey here.

    Collecting survey data will enable us to compare pre- and post-program outcomes, measure the program's efficacy and evaluate improvements in the capacity of our partnerships.

  • Phase 2: Education and Collaboration

    We have initiated the integration of essential global neurosurgery and global health topics into the current neurosurgical curriculum to enhance the expertise of UAB neurosurgery residents in these areas. This effort includes lectures during Tuesday morning sessions and the inclusion of global visiting professors who provide valuable insights into neurosurgical practices worldwide. Additionally, our involvement in the UAB Global Health Symposium serves as a platform for the exchange of ideas between UAB and international partners from diverse regions across the globe.

    See the 2023 visiting professor. 

    View the 2023 Global Health Symposium recap.

    Learn more about our education and training efforts. (link to nested tab)

    Short-term global neurosurgery fellows visiting UAB participate in observational fellowships and research training in the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery at Children’s of Alabama. These fellows range from senior neurosurgeons to trainees from various hospitals worldwide. Our program is committed to enhancing these visits by establishing clear objectives for each visit, offering research training and providing educational opportunities during their time at UAB, in addition to clinical observation. Faculty members, residents and fellows also actively participate in UAB's international outreach activities. We aspire to extend these opportunities to adult neurosurgery, facilitating global visits to our partner sites. These visits will be structured around defined objectives related to research and quality improvement projects, as well as observer training, guided by principles of equity and ethics.

  • Phase 3: Global Fellowship

    The UAB Global Neurosurgery Program and its partners are currently working to establish a formal Global Neurosurgery Fellowship Program. 

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation are crucial for global health intervention. We aim to track and report information on our projects and its intended results and determine the impact or value of our projects. We have established indicators that can provide information about the outcomes of all the elements of our program.

Trainee Experiences

Paige Lundi Pediatric Neurosurgery Fellow

“The experience in the Children’s Hospital 57357 opened my eyes to different types of thinking, the ability of the physicians to triage and focus their efforts on the greatest good is impressive. They perform complex, efficient, and successful surgeries with limited resources. I was truly impressed daily by the work the team performed.”

Michael Feldman Pediatric Neurosurgery Fellow

“The experience at CCH and CH2 elucidated the capabilities of surgeons in environments with limited surgical support…. Although our equipment was limited, we were able to accomplish surgical goals commensurate with one I would expect at our own institution. Further, overcoming the language barrier and working with house staff utilizing techniques foreign to me was an amazing experience in communication and flexibility. Further, I do not believe that the degree of utilization of ECoG we were able to accomplish in these cases could have been accomplished without our assistance both in the OR and outside with Trei King’s teaching the CCH and CH2 teams as well as significant troubleshooting.”