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Donna BailerDepartment of Neurosurgery Executive Administrator Donna Bailer, J.D., LL.M., was elected president-elect of the national Neurosurgery Executives’ Resource Value and Education Society (NERVES) at its annual membership meeting in September 2021.

As president-elect, Bailer’s official duties begin in September 2021, and she is slated to transition into the role of president in the Spring of 2022. She has an extensive leadership record with NERVES.

Over the last several years, Bailer has served the organization through involvement in various committees including the annual meeting committee, marketing committee, and as chair of the editorial committee.  She has also held key NERVES leadership positions including regional director, board member, and secretary.

Bailer looks forward to representing the department on this national stage.

“I am honored to have been elected to serve my colleagues and peers through such a well-established and successful organization,” said Bailer. “NERVES is full of talented and passionate members who come together to form the pre-eminent and most trusted resource for neurosurgical leaders. I look forward to bringing my experience from UAB’s Department of Neurosurgery to connect executives to a wealth of support, education, and data that will enhance the performance of all neurosurgical practices in this national leadership position.”

James Markert, M.D., MPH, James Garber Galbraith Endowed Chair of Neurosurgery, is pleased with Bailer’s hard work in both her UAB and NERVES roles. He is honored that her talents and drive are also being recognized by national leaders.

“Donna is a five-star employee who molds and shapes the direction of the department,” said Markert. “She makes the department a better place for our faculty, staff and trainees, and her impact is very easy to spot. I am glad that she has been recognized nationally for her leadership capabilities– she will make a wonderful president-elect and president.”

NERVES was established in 2002 for the purpose of helping neurosurgery practice managers and administrators strengthen their practices. NERVES is the only national neurosurgery organization of its kind.

The NERVES organization, which comprises more than 200 members, is led by a 15-person board, including two surgeons from the Council of State Neurosurgical Societies (CSNS).  The CSNS, which is the socio-economic arm of the AANS & CNS, established NERVES to encourage and facilitate networking, resource sharing, and resource gathering among practice managers and administrators.