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Jeffrey Blount, M.D.Jeffrey Blount, M.D, MPH., professor and director of the Division of Pediatric Neurosurgery, was nominated by the Department of Neurosurgery and chosen by the Dean of the School of Medicine (SOM) to serve on the SOM Faculty Council Committee.

James Markert, M.D., MPH, James Garber Galbraith Endowed Chair of Neurosurgery, nominated Blount, a highly-accomplished, tenured faculty member in the department to serve on the Faculty Council due to his history of excellence, service and commitment to UAB and his desire to ensure faculty are fairly assessed in their career appointment, promotion, and tenure (APT) achievements.

The responsibility of the Faculty Council is to act at the principal advisory committee to the dean of the SOM, and it is responsible for providing written review and assessment of promotion and tenure (APT) awards for all clinical and basic science faculty.

Dr. Blount’s role on the Faculty Council benefits the department as well, since he is able to participate in best practices in the SOM’s APT process, and then bring those ideas and improvements to his home department. Blount will provide, review, comment and recommend to the chair potential revisions to departmental guidelines, as appropriate.

“I look forward to serving on the SOM Faculty Council to support a process of equity, transparency, and achievement for all faculty as they progress through the ranks and achieve tenure commensurate with the tremendous experience and accomplishments for which UAB faculty are known worldwide. I also look forward to providing resources to help guide our department faculty through the APT process,” said Blount.