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Shannon Hall, CRNPThe Department of Neurosurgery has selected Shannon Hall, CRNP, to serve as wellness champion through the UAB School of Medicine (SOM) Office of Wellness

In this role, Hall will strive to ensure the department meets the emotional, physical, and spiritual needs of all faculty and staff. Surveys have shown that when an individual's mind, body, and spirit are healthy, they are happier, more productive, and compassionate towards others.  

The SOM staff wellness champions are nominated for the role and signify an essential link between the Office of Wellness and the departments.

"Throughout the years, I have suffered numerous unexpected health problems that affected me both physically and emotionally. My team was there to support me through it all. I am so excited to finally be in a role where I can give back to the department that has been such a staple in my own life and hopefully invoke a feeling of appreciation. Being able to spread kindness, show someone I care, support someone during a time of celebration, or even comfort someone during a hardship allows me to be myself not only as a provider but as a colleague."

Hall will join other department wellness champions in monthly meetings to discuss ideas and share suggestions. 

For any questions relating to this effort, please contact Shannon Hall at squinnelly@uabmc.edu.