A new UAB study reports on a potential new treatment for frontotemporal dementia, the second most common type after Alzheimer’s disease.
The UAB School of Medicine will mark this year’s National Primary Care Week Dec. 1-5 with student-driven events focusing on the continued need for primary care physicians in Alabama and the United States.
The manufacturer of a new medication for Rett syndrome studied at UAB is encouraged by the drug’s performance.
A UAB study of hospital deaths during childbirth suggests the high death rate of African-American women is likely associated with access to prenatal care.
As part of the Section on Biological Sciences, Korf was elected as an AAAS fellow for distinguished contributions to the field of human and medical genetics.
Stefan Kertesz, M.D., and medical student Ynhi Thai will share their ideas on poverty at the next TEDxBirminghamSalon event on Monday, Dec. 8 at Trim Tab Brewing.
Bland, who came to UAB in 1999 as chair of the Department of Surgery and surgeon-in-chief of UAB Hospital, will step back from his duties on July 1, 2015.
The multi-project research targets key molecular steps of immune cell-fate decisions after virus infection.
Research revealing new evidence about the role of the spleen following heart attack will be honored during the AHA scientific meeting Nov. 15-19.
Finley family gives $3.4 million gift to university. Endowed scholarship established, Reynolds Historical Library, lectureship to be renamed in their honor.
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