A UAB study finds that minorities with diabetes have a high rate of diabetic retinopathy, a potentially blinding eye disease, and that telemedicine might be a good way to address that condition.
In “Command & Control,” the second novel by Stephen Russell, fictional retired orthopedic surgeon Mackie McKay finds himself in the middle of an infectious disease outbreak — with Ebola as a backdrop.
Thousands of patients with blood cancers like leukemia and lymphoma, sickle cell and other life-threatening diseases need bone marrow transplants and only 30 percent find matches within their families.
The UAB Cancer Center and Alabama State University receive $1.5 million NIH grant to create partnership and reduce cancer health disparities.
The addition of five new research scientists takes UAB’s Department of Anesthesiology to new heights.
Professor Peter Anderson helps improve medical education in Zambia by sharing his resources through virtual microscopy.
New procedures have been implemented affecting travel to and from the affected areas — currently identified as Sierra Leone, Guinea or Liberia.
Etty “Tika” Benveniste, Ph.D., chair of the Department of Cell, Integrative and Developmental Biology, has been appointed interim senior associate dean for Research Administration and Development in the UAB School of Medicine, effective Jan. 1, 2015.
Robert M. Centor, M.D., has been elected to mastership by the American College of Physicians, one of the highest honors available to internists.
Kirby Bland, M.D., Fay Fletcher Kerner Professor and chair of the Department of Surgery and surgeon-in-chief of the UAB Health System Hospitals and Clinics, was named the 2014 Distinguished Faculty Lecturer, the highest honor bestowed by the UAB Academic Health Center.
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