Best-in-class patient care among the criteria in Becker’s Hospital Review rankings that list UAB Hospital.
UAB researchers say new findings show that a herpes simplex virus therapy may be beneficial in treating malignant gliomas.
The Benevolent Fund is UAB's primary vehicle for charitable giving, created by employees to help the community.
Robert J. Stanley, now professor emeritus, came to UAB as chair of the radiology department in 1982, serving in that role until his retirement in 2013.
Robert M. Centor, M.D., is the 2014-2015 Chair of the Board of Regents of the American College of Physicians, the nation’s largest medical specialty organization.
Chief of trauma surgery at UAB honored for commitment to safety and quality.
David M. Pollock, Ph.D., professor of medicine in the Division of Nephrology, was recently elected the 87th president of the American Physiological Society.
Michael Saag, M.D., helped transform the deadliest virus in human history into a manageable chronic disease, and he is now receiving a top honor.
UAB’s fourth-year medical students found out where they will do their residency training, and in what medical field, at the 2014 Match Day activities.
Check in with the UAB Gorgas Course in Clinical Tropical Medicine in Peru, where participants see different patients with different tropical diseases each day.
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