The UAB School of Medicine will celebrate Match Day 2014 on Friday, March 21, at the Alys Stephens Performing Arts Center
Michael Allon, M.D., professor in the Division of Nephrology, was recently named the recipient of the Gerald Beathard Award by the American Society of Diagnostic and Interventional Nephrology.
Find out how a cyclotron works, and what makes UAB's new cyclotron unique among U.S. academic medical centers.
A project by ophthalmologists at the University of Alabama at Birmingham will examine whether a partnership with community-based optometrists will improve detection and treatment of glaucoma, especially for high-risk populations.
UAB has teamed with the Michael J. Fox Foundation to look for genetic biomarkers for Parkinson’s disease.
UAB schools of Engineering and Medicine capitalize on overlapping interests with launch of joint Department of Biomedical Engineering.
The UAB Center for Exercise Medicine hosted the first face-to-face meeting of the newly implemented National Exercise Clinical Trials Network, attracting researchers from 49 institutions across the country.
The new clinics, located at at Medical West in Bessemer and the Birmingham St. Vincent’s Hospital campus, will provide care for a variety of ocular conditions.
Michael Saag, M.D., renowned leader in HIV research and AIDS care who was beginning his career when the movie's events transpired, addresses the accuracy of the Academy Award-nominated film.
Last summer, Jennifer Rowland was one of two UAB students who completed a prestigious research internship at the new KwaZulu-Natal Research Institute for Tuberculosis and HIV (K-RITH), in Durban, South Africa.
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