The University of Alabama at Birmingham is ranked No. 1 for the impact of its articles in rehabilitation sciences from 2005-09, according to Thomson Reuters. During that time period, UAB scientists published 92 papers in the field of rehabilitation science, and those papers were cited in other publications 8.58 times per paper. Emory University was second, followed by Washington University, Thomas Jefferson University and the University of Southern California.“This speaks highly of the quality of UAB research in rehabilitation science,” said Lauretta Gerrity, D.V.M., senior associate vice president for research at UAB. “It is an indication of the high regard in which scientists from across the nation and the world hold the faculty at UAB for the thoroughness, complexity and importance of their work.”UAB departments most involved in rehabilitation science include the Department of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, the Department of Physical Therapy, the Department of Psychology and the Department of Occupational Therapy.