Center for Community OutReach Development (CORD) is recruiting outstanding research laboratory sponsors to mentor students for the 2018 program. CORD recently received funding for the 2018 edition of the CORD Summer Science Research Internships for High School and Community College Students program.
TheThe primary goal of this program is to prepare local high school and college students to pursue careers in science, technology and engineering. Serving as a mentor in this program proves to be a rewarding experience and builds appreciation for what UAB can do for the local community. It also provides faculty mentors with experiences they can use to show the broader impacts of their research.
“Our goal is to give these high school and community college students the highest-caliber research experience that a world-class research facility like UAB can offer,” said J. Michael Wyss, Ph.D., director of the Center for Community OutReach Development. “This experience will help them successfully compete academically with students from any educational system in the country.”
The paid internships will start with CORD training from May 30-June 1 for high school students and May 14-25 for community college students. Interns will work in labs Monday-Friday from 8 a.m.-5 p.m. beginning June 4, 2018. The program will end Friday, July 27, 2018. All interns will present their research findings on the final day in a poster competition in which the top prize is a UAB scholarship.
Any faculty interested in becoming a mentor should view the guidelines, fill out the form and submit it to J. Michael Wyss, Ph.D., at or fax at 934-5158.