July 11, 2024

5 qualities of a successful leader part 3: Execution

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stock photo of executionThe UAB Medicine Leadership Competency Model features five domains and 19 competencies. In this series, we’ll examine this model and how it can be used to empower leadership.

In today's dynamic business environment, organizations face the challenge of navigating rapid change while striving for sustainable growth and innovation.

Effective leadership requires a strategic approach encompassing design, planning, change management, and measuring key metrics.

“When we think about execution, we usually think about how leaders will implement change. Change, whether large or small, is inevitable and a constant in all organizations," said Kellie Carter, Ph.D., Senior Leadership Development Specialist. "The successful leader must be thoughtful in utilizing critical thinking skills in order to be able to execute a change initiative from beginning to end while focusing on all stakeholders during the process.”

Let’s examine the third of the five domains in the UAB Medicine Leadership Competency Model: execution.


In effectively executing successful leadership qualities, design ensures that structures and roles are aligned seamlessly with strategy. Work is orchestrated efficiently, placing tasks and responsibilities strategically within the framework.


A robust planning process ensures that human capital is strategically optimized to meet current operational demands and future growth needs. By assessing existing workforce capabilities and aligning them with organizational objectives, plans are formulated to enhance skills, foster talent development, and maximize employee potential.

Manage change

Managing change efficiently involves embracing and communicating change as a catalyst for growth and innovation while serving as a positive change agent for others within the organization. By fostering a culture that values adaptability and continuous improvement, leaders can inspire teams to embrace new ideas and methodologies.


Effective measurement involves clearly defining, communicating, and continuously monitoring key metrics essential to organizational success. By establishing clear goals and performance indicators, leaders can gauge progress toward strategic objectives and identify areas for improvement.